Friday, December 4, 2009

We Have a Hit

Well, its been a crazy kind of busy since the last time I posted. And I have a bite here. It looks like there are tons of questions all around.

Dear Edith,
I will call your mom soon. Work has been nuts and I want to be able to talk to you guys with all my concentration. I wasn't really certain I'd ever get anything but a good base in the family tree. I am so happy that you found this and contacted me.

Dear Family,
The Erna Gerbstadt I found was indeed Grampa's sister. She passed at 100 years old. The family found the blog and has contacted me. As I said to Edith, its been nuts so as soon as I get a solid block of time to call I will. And I'll publish the results here. With luck we can all get together soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sherry - I have a long and - perhaps - interesting story about Alfred and Ada Gerbstadt. I also live in TC and would like to meet with you somewhere to tell you in person. Somewhere public - like a downtown coffee shop or ?? Barb