Friday, September 9, 2011

Its been a long year

Circumstances being what they are I have not posted anything on the family in a long time. Mostly because I do not have new info. I have been improving my German langauge skills slowly and surely and totally obsessed with Matthias Reim's music. Talk about taking a detour! But also the family past has had to take a back seat to the present. I am so jealous of people who get to invest 40 hour work weeks on their family history. I just do not have the that kind of time while I am wrapped up in surviving.

That said I was surprised to find that we have two new followers... Laura and Fritz. Google was not able to connect me to a profile so I know nothing of them except that they are here and they have some sort of interest in our goings on. So "Wilkommen!" And "Veilen Dank" I am glad you are following. Feel free to leave comments. I activated the post moderation so that anyone who shares personal contact information doesn't get hassled. I know that makes it a hassle for everyone else. But telephone numbers and such posted on the internet is a bad idea and I just can't get some people to understand that. So please.... please... please keep leaving comments. The moderating is just for your personal saftey.

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